
"If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability." -Henry Ford

The nature of fantastic candidates is much like that of the craftsmen. So focused on your craft that often you are unaware of who needs your craft. And therefore when put in a situation where you would like to continue your craft in a different environment you are at a loss to understand where.

Professor of Social Theory and Social Action in the Psychology Department at Swarthmore College, Barry Schwartz believes that too much choice is a bad thing. That it debilitates us. As a Recruiting Firm we see this on a daily basis. Craftsmen like people who are caught up in the Recruitment Avalanche.

We can't promise to help you find a job. But we can promise to give you the truth. Many recruitment firms do not see the importance of that but for you as a candidate, your most important tool to finding your next opportunity will be the truth. We invite you to contact us to ask any question you may have. We will be frank with you in our ability to help you.

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